2018 vintage
January was a mild, rainy month with 2.5 times more cumulative precipitation than normal. The temperatures starting falling in February and winter weather set in. Typical temperatures for the season did not come until the end of March. They began going back up over the first few days of April. The fast warming led to a very fast bud break and significant vine growth. Flowering came early at the end of May, making 2018 one of the most precocious years after 2007 and 2011.
The vines received plenty of water during the months of April, May and June. The water reserve as of 1st July was well over the 30-year average. Mildew pressure was relatively significant in the spring yet rather contained due to the good weather starting in July.
The summer was hot and dry as Gevrey was not affected by the hail storms. Thus, the berries were very healthy. However, the summer dryness and scorching periods sometimes slowed the evolution of the vines.
There were plenty of berries but they remained small; therefore, there was less juice.
We decided to begin harvesting on Monday, 3 September.
The first grapes we found were of excellent quality with great alcohol content levels, wonderful phenolic maturity and an acidity that would remain stable with little malic acid and great potential for tartaric acid.
Fermentation began quickly due to the significant presence of natural yeast and the Indian summer.
The colours and phenolic compositions seemed easy to extract. The first juice we’ve tasted lead us to believe this 2018 vintage will be very promising.